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Integrating Malomo and Status

Set up Time: 5 Minutes

Prerequisites: Your Malomo Account needs to be connected with Shopify.

The Malomo + Status integration allows every tracked order to become a signed-in shopper, unlocking a seamless tracking experience that drives more customers into accounts. By automatically signing customers into accounts during the order tracking experience, shoppers are connected to recently viewed products and wishlists, enrolled in loyalty programs, and empowered to effortlessly manage their purchase history--eliminating buyer friction and driving more engagement.

Integration Setup:

Step 1: Set or Review your default tracking page in the Malomo Dashboard

Status uses the Default Tracking Page URL set in the Malomo Dashboard to open tracking for customers. To review this page, go to Malomo > Account > Overview

To learn more about setting or reviewing your default tracking page, check out this article.

Step 2: Create a Malomo Secret API key for Status

Status will need a secret key from your Malomo dashboard to enable the integration. To create a secret API key, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Accounts section

  2. Click on the Developer tab

  3. Type in a name for your new key, such as “Status Integration”

  4. Keep the key toggle settings set to Secret

  5. Click on Generate Secret Key

  6. Copy and send to the Status team

To learn more about creating API keys, check out this article.

Step 3: Contact Status to have the integration enabled

Email and Larren will assist you in sharing your secret key with the Status team and enabling the Malomo integration.

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