Integrating Malomo and Junip
Set up Time: 5-10 Minutes
Prerequisites: Your Malomo Account needs to be connected with Shopify.
Junip uses the delivery data from Malomo to help you send review requests at the right time, every time. Kick off your review request flows based on order delivery triggers and prevent negative reviews from customers asking "Where is my order?".
Integration Setup:
Step 1: Create a Malomo Secret API key for Junip
Junip will need a secret key from your Malomo dashboard to enable the integration. To create a secret API key, follow these steps:
Navigate to the Accounts section
Click on the Developer tab
Type in a name for your new key, such as “Junip Integration”
Keep the key toggle settings set to Secret
Click on Generate Secret Key
To learn more about creating API keys, check out this article.
Step 2: Install Malomo in the Junip Admin
Go to your Junip admin > Integrations > Malomo > click 'Install'
Enter your Malomo secret API key and click 'Install'
After installing the integration, update the Trigger event in your Junip Post-purchase review request flow so it uses 'Malomo - Order delivered'.

Adding ‘Malomo - Order delivered’ to a Post Purchase Review Request Flow